
Function <returntype> <name> ( [ <parameters> ] )
[ Public
    [ <public variables> ]
End ]
[ Private
    [ <private variables> ]
End ]
    [ <function code> ]
[ OnExit
    [ <exit code> ]

Function is a reserved word used to start the code of a function.

A function is a subroutine to which one or more of the following apply:

  • it receives parameters
  • it acts on the parameters
  • it processes data located elsewhere
  • it returns a value

The difference between a function and a process is that the calling process or function waits until the function is completed. When a process or function calls a process, it doesn’t wait. This means that, even when the called function contains frame statements, the calling function or process still waits for the function to finish. This is shown in this tutorial.

For a list of functions, see this list of functions.


Function int addInts( int a , int b )
Private // Declare private variables here
Begin // Start the main functioncode
    return a+b;
End // End the main functioncode

The expression addInts(3,6); will return 9. One can see that the function does indeed:

  • receive parameters.
  • act on the parameters.
  • return a value.