Render Flags

Render flags are bit flags used to specify the mode of rendering, by passing them to the function set_mode() as the flags parameter. Multiple render flags can be specified using “|” (pipe character) for separation.

See also Graph Modes.


MODE_WINDOW0Enables window view.
MODE_2XSCALE256Doubles the resolution. Edges get smoothed.
MODE_FULLSCREEN512Enables fullscreen view.
MODE_DOUBLEBUFFER1024Enables using a double buffer for display. Also called DOUBLE_BUFFER.
MODE_HARDWARE2048Enables writing directly to Video RAM instead of main RAM. Also called HW_SURFACE.
MODE_MODAL4096Makes the main window a Modal window.
MODE_FRAMELESS8192Makes the main window borderless.
MODE_WAITVSYNC16384Synchronize with vertical retrace. Also called WAITVSYNC.

More Info

MODE_HARDWARE can cause some operations to speed up and some to slow down.

MODE_DOUBLEBUFFER can cause frame transitions to be smoother. However, compatibility with restore_type = partial_restore is lost!

MODE_MODAL causes the main window to stay focused and hold the mouse.