Blit Flags

Blit flags are bit flags which can be passed to some map functions, to specify a certain effect when blitting a graphic. These functions are:

They can also be used to specify a certain effect for the blitting of the graphic of a process, by assigning blit flags to its local variable flags.

Blitting is the operation of drawing one graph onto another, using so-called bit blitting operations (see Wikipedia on bit blitting).


B_HMIRROR1Blit the graph horizontally mirrored.
B_VMIRROR2Blit the graph vertically mirrored.
B_TRANSLUCENT4Blit the graph with half transparency.
B_ALPHA8Blit the graph in some way. (What does this do exactly?)
B_ABLEND16Blit the graph using additive blending. Nice effect for fire.
B_SBLEND32Blit the graph using subtractive blending. Nice effect for ghosting.
B_NOCOLORKEY128Blit the transparent parts of the graph as black (color 0).